Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Pressure Builds

Okay, just when I think that I am as neurotic as I can possibly get, I read the words - "Decision Mailed" on not just one, but two schools. My decision from Samford was mailed on 1/21 and Mercer was mailed 1/22. To say that I am freaked out would be an understatement. Just when I've gone through every possible scenario in my mind, another what if pops up. On LSN, two updates have been made on Samford, both acceptances in the State of Alabama. I am hoping my letter comes tomorrow. To those of you who have prayed for me, thank you. I believe that prayers are answered, not necessarily in the way that we want them to be, but in the way that God wants them to be. Selfishly, I want to get into Samford more than anything, but more than what I want, I want to be where God wants me and means for me to be. So, I will continue on in my neurotic state until both of these letters arrive safe and sound in my mailbox. I would camp out by my mailbox if I could. After all, I have a tent, but no real sleeping bag and it's still freakin' cold outside. So, I will try my best to remain patient, calm, cool and collected and update my blog when I have something to report.

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