Friday, June 6, 2008

What ever happened to standing on your platform?

Seems like today all the politicians and wanna-be politicians have to inundate the public with messages about how they great they are. Whether it be by television ads, billboards, signs along the roadway, mass mailings, or *pisses me off* telephone ads, it's all about getting their name out there. Now, if they were that great, wouldn't their name already be out there? This is not just limited to our presidential candidates. Driving home tonight I noticed a stretch of a 4 lane highway with signs for one Solicitor wanna-be lining the ENTIRE ROADWAY! How much money are these signs costing? How much are the mass mailings, billboards, television ads? It used to be that politicians could stand on their platforms - what they would change or improve, how they could raise the value of life in their district. Now it seems like whoever has the most bells and whistles wins. I've never been one to succumb to the "squeeky wheel gets the grease" cliche. I would like to know what the platforms are of the candidate and heck, I can't even find that! I've found cute slogans, such as, "It's not just a career, it's a calling" (for coroner of all things!), and "Years of experience", but experience in what? None of my candidates for Clerk of Court have any court experience. I guarantee that some of them don't even know a docket from a donut. And we wonder why our court system is so backlogged. Because we put people in office that don't know anything it! I would much rather cast my vote for someone who is going to put the funds back into the community (and I don't mean by trashing it with signs). I know the critics of my statement would say, "That's campaign money, it is meant to be spent on the campaign". Okay then, how about spending it on lunches for the homeless and less fortunate while you do a town hall meeting to hear about their needs. Oh, they don't vote? Then does that mean they don't matter? Or how about spending some campaign money to host something for members of your district who have a low income school - you know the one - where the kids don't have winter coats and proper shoes. Enough with the signs and mail and calls! I honestly do not need to see your face everywhere I look as I drive up my street. I will be so glad when this election is over!! And by the way, after it is over, how many signs do you think will end up in the trash can versus being recycled?

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