Saturday, January 1, 2011

2000 - 2010 In Quick Review

This morning kicks off not only a new year, but a new decade. I think back to the last decade and realize how much my life changed in 10 years that seemed to zip by. Some memories still open wounds of loss that I'll always feel; some make me so thankful not only for the life I lead, but for life itself; and most make me smile with the happiness and joy I have.

2000 was a year when I faced my own mortality for the first time. In November, the doctors found a liver tumor and I had surgery that not only saved my life, but changed my life. I realized that stressing over the small things I had no control over really didn't matter anymore. Every day is a blessing and I live it as such, trying to always find the positive in any situation that is thrown at me. I am so thankful for the doctors, my wonderful mother who never left my bedside while I was in the hospital, my friends who helped me with my recovery and mostly to God, for showing me that I still have work to do for Him.

2001 saw more surgery for me, but that year will forever be marked with tragedy. On Sept. 11 the world saw how vulnerable the US was when terrorists attacked. I wasn't coherent when the Trade Centers were attacked - I had surgery the day before. But my tragedy struck ten days later when my brother lost his strong, hard-fought battle with cancer. Cancer sucks! He taught me about grace, love and about never giving up, even when times are at the darkest. I miss him every single day and wish he were here today to see the woman I've become.

2002 - In November, I found what I never even knew was missing - I met my future husband and daughters. One hockey game changed my life and I am forever grateful that God made Jeff just for me.

2003 - Lots of hockey games with Jeff. Getting to know him and the girls better and falling in love more every day.

2004 - Jeff, Chelsea, Heather and I became a family on April 17, 2004 under a beautiful sunrise on the beach at Tybee Island, Georgia. Surrounded by our family and a couple of dolphins. I don't care what anyone else thinks, those dolphins were sent by my dad and brother to show their approval.

2005 - We adjusted well to married life and purchased our first family home. Little did we know at that time, that house would be a temporary home for us.

2006 - I graduated with my Masters and entered into the world of human resources. In September, I ran my first 5K with Heather Leonardo - the Race for the Cure. I was hooked and knew that I wanted to start running on a regular basis. So, Jeff and I started on a plan.

2007 - Lots of races this year, kicking off with the Greenville News 5K. Jeff & I ran 5Ks and 10Ks. We were now getting healthy and substituting running with the hockey that we enjoyed so much. It gave us a great time together, even though he ran much faster than I did. Jeff ran his first half marathon in Greenville and Heather & I were along the course with signs rooting him! I was so proud of him! At the end of this year, in a restaurant on our way to the Savannah Bridge Run, I told Jeff I wanted to take the LSAT and apply to law school. After a second, he said, "Okay, it will be our next adventure." He's been my biggest supporter ever since.

2008 - In May, Jeff and I ran our first marathons - the KeyBank Vermont Marathon. You can see my blogs about this in prior posts. In December, the first acceptance to law school came and knew that I was finally going to be able to live my dream of becoming an attorney.

2009 - big year!! I ran a half marathon in a torrential downpour. We put our home on the market at the end of January and were blessed that it sold. God has wonderful timing!! We moved into our apartment in Birmingham, AL and I started law school. I was blessed with new friends and soaked up the atmosphere at Cumberland.

2010 - This year went by so freakin' fast! I finished my first year of law school; made Law Review; worked all summer, both for a firm and a federal judge; made the Negotiation Team where I traveled to Florida and learned humility; and got a job with a firm that I hope to have some long-term potential.

Whew! What a decade! While the first part of the decade seemed marked with me in and out of the hospital having multiple surgeries between 2000 - 2004, I was able to accomplish so much. I've truly been given the best gifts: Life and Love. So if you think I'm excited out of my mind to see what the next decade brings, you're right!!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

It is about time that you started blogging again. So good to hear about your life and remember....I love you my friend!