Friday, June 20, 2008

My First 6am Run

Yesterday morning, I got up at 5:45 AM and met Candance for a run. The crazy part is, the early time to meet was MY idea. Who am I? Actually with training beginning on 7/7 for Team Tiara and our group runs will be at 6:15 am, I only have a couple of weeks to get used to the early rise time. I am on pace to get in 4 runs this week, with the Candlelight 5K tomorrow night. It's a great feeling and I can feel some of my conditioning coming back. Being injured sucked!! My pace is almost back where it was in May 2007 when I was consistently training. Next up will be adding in strength training and some yoga. But, I digress...

So, I pulled up to Westchester at 6 on the nose and Candace was waiting for me. We crawled out of our cars with sleep still in our eyes and we both wondered what the heck we were doing up and at 'em so early. We took off through our usual route. The temperature was cool and the humidity was low. The sun was rising and the birds sang their good morning tunes. We took off through our usual route and I was concerned since I had run the day before that my legs may be tired. I had not run 2 days in a row since January when the injury started. Thankfully it was not the case. I still felt good and strong. We ran for 3 miles at a consistent pace. Now it was 6:35 am and my exercise was done for the day. Candance and I agreed that we would meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, same as our group runs for TT. I came home to get ready for work, knowing that at 4:30pm I could come home from work and just relax. And that's something I've not been able to do in a long time and I took full advantage of it.

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