Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I learn as I get older

As I age (gracefully, I may add), I continue to learn things. Here are just a few...
  • What we do in our late teens and early 20s may affect the rest of our lifes, hopes and dreams and regardless of what we may think, we are not invincible nor do our actions go without consequences
  • Life would be much better if we could all work barefoot, or if you have ugly feet, in socks;
  • There really isn't much that chocolate won't make better;
  • If you are not walking, you are running. The only difference between a runner and a jogger is a race entry form;
  • I cannot, no matter how hard I try, do it all on my own. However, if I want it done right, my way, and in a timely manner, I'd better do it myself. Now, where's the logic in that?
  • Get a group of professional people in a room together and give them a group exercise, they will all simply speak over one another and more than likely none of them have anything intelligent to add to the conversation. Heck, they'll just say things that aren't even on topic in order to show that they are the superior one in the group.
  • If Waffle House is open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, why do they have locks on the door?
  • When there is nothing else to do at work, you can always put a lot of files on your desk and play with the label maker. You look busy and get organized all at the same time.
  • One day maybe I will understand exactly how the LSAT will gauge my success in law school. Right now, I don't understand how knowing what color hat Susie is wearing and what place she may be in line for the movie indicates how I can make an argument before a judge and jury. Unless, of course, Susie is on the jury, wearing the hat.

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